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Welcome to THE HYPER SPACE: PODCASTING IN THE 25th CENTURY! Join Matt, Mike and Jared as they make 
history embarking on the Interweb's first podcast! Join us weekly as they talk about the classic movies,
TV shows, books, comics and pop culture you crave and can't live without!

Aug 26, 2019

Whether you're fighting evil Cylons, destroying pesky Rebels, or keeping the Ko-Dan Empire at bay, the one thing you'll need is a trusty starfighter. This week we suit up and man the cockpits of our favorite starfighters from film and television. So jump into that X-Wing and join us! Set your coordinates for the 25th...

Aug 19, 2019

This week, Valentine's Day comes early and The Hyper Space crew celebrates their favorite screen crushes. Whether battling in space, facing down supernatural horrors on Earth, or just running from the sheriff, these smart, gorgeous women all left us wanting more. We also share some fascinating Star Wars news, and take...

Aug 12, 2019

THE HYPER SPACE is back and we're stretching the very fabric of space, time and pop culture! Join us this episode for news on a blockbuster Blu Ray release, journey with us into Random Space, then stay tuned for the main event: Mike and Jared face off head-to-head in the first ever interweb’s podcast...

Aug 5, 2019

Dust off that boom box and grab whatever cassette tapes you have left, because THE HYPER SPACE is taking it back to the days when MTV played music videos and recording songs off the radio was a thing.

Music by Eric Matyas