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Welcome to THE HYPER SPACE: PODCASTING IN THE 25th CENTURY! Join Matt, Mike and Jared as they make 
history embarking on the Interweb's first podcast! Join us weekly as they talk about the classic movies,
TV shows, books, comics and pop culture you crave and can't live without!

May 31, 2021

What are the MUST WATCH MOVIES from the Golden Age of Entertainment?  Join Jared, Matt & Mike this week as they lay out a road map for the new generation to follow to cinematic greatness!  

May 24, 2021

This week on THE HYPER SPACE Mike watches The Karate Kid for the first time! That's right, this Karate Kid Virgin waxes on and waxes off nearly 35 years of avoiding one of the most beloved 80s movies of all time! 

May 17, 2021

Extra-terrestrial, inter-dimensional, fierce, friendly, fantantiscal, and usually hungry. The aliens of cinema and TV have been our ever-present companions from childhood until today, and THE HYPER SPACE is talking about some of our favorites. So grab your flamethrower, lightsaber, or tricorder as we break down our...

May 10, 2021

THE HYPER SPACE returns with our Season 4 premiere THE QUOTES THAT MADE US. Great movie quotes are what we take with us when a film is over. Quotes that make us laugh, think, cheer, or even bring a tear to the eye. They become part of our shared vocabulary. This week we take you on a journey through some of our...