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Welcome to THE HYPER SPACE: PODCASTING IN THE 25th CENTURY! Join Matt, Mike and Jared as they make 
history embarking on the Interweb's first podcast! Join us weekly as they talk about the classic movies,
TV shows, books, comics and pop culture you crave and can't live without!

Jun 28, 2021

This week on THE HYPER SPACE, we take a deep dive into some of our favorite characters. Whether heroes, anti-heroes, or straight-up villains, we discuss what makes these characters compelling and why we keep coming back to them over and over again.

Jun 21, 2021

THE KARATE KID VIRGIN returns as THE HYPER SPACE gets Mike's drum-spinning take on The Karate Kid II...Get ready for a log-splitting good time COWARD!

Jun 14, 2021

This week THE HYPER SPACE takes a moment to salute some of their favorite war get ready to keep your head down and dig in...this one's a can't miss!

Jun 7, 2021

What was the cutting edge tech that blew our young minds away in the 70s and 80s? Join THE HYPER SPACE now as we deep dive into untranslatable tech that exists now only in our memories!