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Welcome to THE HYPER SPACE: PODCASTING IN THE 25th CENTURY! Join Matt, Mike and Jared as they make 
history embarking on the Interweb's first podcast! Join us weekly as they talk about the classic movies,
TV shows, books, comics and pop culture you crave and can't live without!

Oct 31, 2021

Welcome to THE HYPER SPACE Halloween special! This week we provide a commentary for The Burbs, the 1989 cult classic directed by Joe Dante and starring Tom Hanks. No Monday episode this week, but we'll be back on our regular schedule next week. Happy Hyper Space Halloween!

Oct 25, 2021

THE HYPER SPACE is back and we're kicking off Season 5 with a spicy start as Mike gives us the play-by-play of his agonizing and hilarious experience with the One Chip Challenge!  Subscribe now to the interweb's one and only podcast! New episodes drop every Monday!