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Welcome to THE HYPER SPACE: PODCASTING IN THE 25th CENTURY! Join Matt, Mike and Jared as they make 
history embarking on the Interweb's first podcast! Join us weekly as they talk about the classic movies,
TV shows, books, comics and pop culture you crave and can't live without!

Dec 20, 2021

THE HYPER SPACE returns this week with our End of the Year Potpourri Special! Join us as we talk about whatever pops into our heads! Squid Game, Shang-Chi, Sam Rockwell, Ghostbusters, the Star Wars Holiday Special, bad and good movie trailers, and the list goes on and on! It’s the last regular episode of THE HYPER SPACE for 2021! And don’t forget that the Carbonite Chronicles returns for discussion and analysis for THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT, coming your way very soon!